Lucanus Cervus - Romania

The Danube River forms the largest river delta in continental Europe. The delta lies primarily along the Romanian coast, but it does reach north to the Ukraine before emptying into the Black Sea. The area covers about 5,100 square kilometers and serves as an important European wetland area and wildlife refuge. 

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Lucanus cervus - There are over 1,200 species in the Lucanidae family with Lucanus cervus being the better known. Females lay their eggs in decaying trees and the hatched larvae feed on the rotting wood as they go through several stages before becoming pupae. After 4 to 6 years, the adults emerge and take to the air during the brief mating season; adults only live for one month. Females are smaller than males and lack the oversized mandibles, an important feature males use in courtship displays and to fight other males.