Marsh Marigold - Romania

Caltha palustris - The marsh marigold is a perennial and flowers from March through September. It is usually the first flower to bloom in announcing the arrival of spring. It is common in the cooler regions of the northern hemisphere. The flowers produce a generous amount of nectar to attract birds and insects. The marsh marigold is poisonous if ingested and can cause dermatitis through prolonged handling with bare hands. Each of the 1,700 species in the Ranunculaceae family is poisonous.

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The Kingdom of Romania came into existence in 1881, after the Turkish defeat in the Russo-Turkish War. Carol I was proclaimed king and established a dynasty lasting until 1947. Romania entered World War I on the Allied side and was rewarded with Transylvania, Bessarabia, and Bukovina. The brief period between the two world wars was referred to as the “Greater Romania” era. This period lasted until 1940, when Romania had to cede its recent gains to Bulgaria, Hungary, and the Soviet Union.