Olive Tree - Spain

Olea europaea - The olive tree is a small evergreen plant native to the Mediterranean region and Western Asia. The trees are drought, disease, and fire resistant. Their specialized root system is able to regenerate the entire tree even if all the above ground features are destroyed. Olive trees have long lives; some are hundreds of years old. Olives have been cultivated for over 6,000 years. Raw olives are bitter and must be cured and fermented to remove a compound known as oleuropein.

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In 1469, the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon were united through the marriage of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand. This set the foundation for the growth of the Spanish Empire. During the 16th and 17th century Spain established itself as the world’s leading power and reached its greatest height during the reign of Philip II, 1556 to 1598. The Spanish Empire eventually controlled outposts on every continent. The Napoleonic Wars, fought from 1803 to 1814, began a cycle of decline for imperial Spain.