Hipparion Concudense - Spain

The Spanish language originated in the Castile region of Spain; it is a member of the Romance languages along with French, Italian, and Portuguese. There are over 400 million people speaking Spanish as their first language. Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the world; Mandarin, spoken in China, is first. 

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Hipparion concudense - Fossilized bone fragments of Hipparion concudense were found in an upper miocene site near Segovia, Spain. The fossils provide evidence of an early version of the modern horse. These animals existed in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America for over 20 million years. Each leg had a small, but functional hoof with a vestigal toe, a toe making no contact with the ground; on modern horses these toes are absent. The height of Hipparion concudense was about 1.4 meters, small in comparison to the modern horse.