Barn Swallow - Estonia

Hirundo rustica - Swallows and martins are passerine birds characterized by their aerial feeding skills. The barn swallow is not an exceptionally fast flier, but they are agile in their ability to maneuver sharp turns. Barn swallows have taken advantage of living in close quarters with human beings; they prefer using man-made structures as foundations for building their own nests. The male decides on nest location and the female helps in constructing a nest consisting primarily of mud pellets. 

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After centuries of being dominated by Denmark, Sweden, and Russia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania took the opportunity of the Bolshevik Revolution to declare their independence in 1918. Estonian independence did not last long. The Soviet Union began to reassert its claim over Estonia in 1939 and Germany briefly occupied the country during World War II. Soviet rule returned in 1944 and remained in effect until the collapse of the Soviet Union. Estonia reaffirmed its independence in 1991.