Red Raspberry - Russia

Rubus idaeus - Red raspberries, also known as European raspberries, are perennials grown primarily for their fruit. Raspberries, blackberries, and similar plants are aggregate fruits; each edible berry is made up of several smaller fruits called drupelets. Each berry can contain more than one hundred drupelets. True berries include blueberries, cranberries, and many of the currant plants. Raspberries are grown throughout the temperate zones of the world and are an important food crop.

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The Grand Duchy of Moscow was inherited by Daniel I in 1283. It was a minor state consisting of a mere 22,000 square kilometers. Daniel I began the process of expanding the Russian state through diplomatic and military actions. By the time Ivan IV ascended the throne in 1547, the Duchy had transformed itself into the Tsardom of Russia and was enlarged to more than 4,000,000 square kilometers. In 1721, Peter the Great proclaimed his realm as the Russian Empire.