Honey Badger - Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia occupies over 80% of the Arabian Peninsula and ranks as the 13th largest country in the world, but there are no permanent rivers in the country. A wadi, an Arab term meaning valley or riverbed, will form after heavy rainfall, but they do not last long. The water either sinks into the ground or evaporates.

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Mellivora capensis - The honey badger is more closely related to the weasel than to the badger. The honey badger is known for its aggression, strength, and stamina. When confronted, it will fight any intruder regardless of size. Honey badgers are solitary animals, but they do travel in pairs during the mating season. Honey is their preferred food, but they have the least specialized diet of the mustelidae family; the family includes otters, weasels, and wolverines. Honey badgers will eat almost anything crossing their path.