American Robin - Connecticut

The Connecticut River flows for a length of 660 kilometers, passes through or along four states, and is the longest river in the New England region. It carries and deposits a heavy amount of silt as it empties in the Long Island Sound. The Connecticut is one of the few rivers in the United States without a large city at its mouth.

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Turdus migratorius - The American robin is a common and easily recognized bird from its reddish-orange breast; the females tend to have paler coloration. Robins retain a year-round residence in most of the United States, but the population in Canada will migrate to Mexico or the United States during the winter. It is usually the first bird to begin a new nesting cycle. The female will build the nest alone, but the male will help feed the chicks once they hatch. An average clutch consists of four eggs and takes about 14 days to hatch.