Atlantic Horseshoe Crab - Delaware

Delaware is the second smallest state in the American Union. It has three counties: New Castle, Kent, and Sussex, the least number of counties for any state. Delaware is also one of five states not featuring a city with more than 100,000 people; the other four are Maine, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

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Limulus polyphemus - The Atlantic horseshoe crab can be found along the sandy and muddy banks of swallow waters. They are common along the Atlantic coast from Maine to the Gulf of Mexico. The horseshoe feeds mainly on marine worms and is easily recognized by its odd body, a oval shell and a long spiny tail. Horseshoe crabs have six pair of appendages. The first pair are pincers, used for passing food to the mouth while the others are used for moving. Horseshoe crabs have the ability to regrow lost limbs.