Brown Greater Galago - Malawi

Otolemur crassicaudatus - Also known as bush babies, the brown greater galago is a nocturnal primate of Africa. It is the most abundant primate of Africa. The greater galago has adapted itself to foraging in the tree tops at night with over-sized eyes, excellent hearing, and a tail longer than the body to provide balance and to assist in jumping. Having powerful hind quarters, the greater galago can emulate a kangaroo by jumping from branch to branch or quickly escape potential threats when on the ground.

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The state of Maravi was established along the shores of Lake Malawi in the 16th century; the city of Manthimba served as the administrative center. The kingdom expanded its rule towards the eastern coast of Africa and as far south as the Zambezi River. Contact with Portuguese traders enriched the kingdom further as European and Asian goods were exchanged. The kingdom fell into decline during the 19th century. The British used the opportunity to incorporate Malawi into their African holdings.