Haussa Genet - Mali

The Bandiagara Escarpment runs across central Mali for 193 kilometers and has been the home to various African tribes since 300 BC. The Dogon people now inhabit this area in relative seclusion. There are several and wide ranging Dogon dialects; some cannot be understood by another Dogon in a nearby village.

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Genetta thierryi - The Haussa genet is native to the sub-Saharan areas of Northern Africa, stretching across a narrow band from Senegal to Chad. It can be found in a wide variety of habitats ranging from dry savannahs to moist forest settings. They have adapted themselves equally as arboreal and terrestrial animals, sustaining themselves with a varied diet of eggs, small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fruit. The species is not under threat, but the Haussa genet is becoming a common item in the bushmeat trade.