Kola Tree - Ghana

Kola trees are endemic to the tropical rainforests of Africa. The cocoa tree of the South American genus theobroma is closely related. The fruits of Cola nitida and Cola acuminata contain caffeine and are the two primary species used for the production of seeds originally used as a flavoring ingredient for beverages. On a local level, kola nuts are chewed as an energy source or to curb hunger pangs. As a bronchodilator, it is used as a remedy for asthma and whooping cough.

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The Ashanti Empire was founded by the Akan people and was centered near Kumasi. The empire emerged in the 1670’s, when Osei Kofi Tutu I, the head of the Oyoko tribe, consolidated the various tribal clans into a powerful centralized state to dominate the region. The British began to dismantle the Ashanti Empire in 1896, and annexed the territory as part of the Gold Coast. When Ghana became independent in 1957, the Ashanti monarchy was retained and received sub-nation status within Ghana.