Yellow-throated Longclaw - Ghana

The Akosombo Dam was built between 1961 and 1965. When completed, Lake Volta, the world’s largest reservoir by surface area and 4th largest by water volume, began to take form. The height of the Akosombo Dam is 114 meters and its length is 660 meters. The current production rate is 1,038 megawatts of power.

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Macronyx croceus - The yellow-throated longclaw is a passerine, a bird classification containing more than half of the bird species. Passerine birds have three toes pointing forward and one facing backwards. This allows the bird to secure a firm grip on branches or other objects for the purpose of perching. The yellow-throated longclaw is a resident bird and does not migrate. It will on occasion relocate in search of better foraging areas. It feeds primarily on insects and on rare occasions, has been spotted hawking prey airily.