Antlion - Baden-Württemburg

The Black Forest, “Schwarzwald” in German, is a densely wooded area located in Southwestern Baden-Württemburg. It is approximately 6,000 square kilometers in size and features oak and beech trees along the lower slopes and firs in the higher elevations. The Danube River originates in the Black Forest.

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Euroleon nostras - In its adult stage, the European antlion resembles a dragonfly. It has a body length of about 30 millimeters and a wingspan stretching to 70 millimeters. The average life span of an adult antlion is less than thirty days and dedicated to reproduction. The larvae stage lasts two winters and allows the larvae to pass through three stages of development. Antlions, while in the larvae stage, construct cone-shaped pits in loose sand. These traps direct small insects, falling down the steep sides, into the antlion’s powerful jaws.