Archaeopteryx - Bavaria

Three German states style themselves as “Freistaat” or “free state.” Bavaria has used this description before the establishment of modern Germany through the 1946 constitution. The term does not enhance the status of Bavaria over other German states. Sachsen and Thüringen also use “Freistaat” in their official names.

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Archaeopteryx was a raven sized transitional species bridging the gap between true birds and non-avian feathered dinosaurs. Well preserved fossils have been found in the Solnhofen limestone beds of Bavaria and date back to the Jurassic period, 150 million years ago.  Archaeopteryx, unlike modern birds, had small teeth and a long bone tail. It also featured three claws on each wings, possibly used to snatch up prey or for clinging onto tree branches. The ability to fly may have been limited to short distances or gliding from tree to tree.