Archegosaurus dechini

Germany, despite being a relatively small country, has contributed substantially in the recovery and clarification of fossils ranging from flying amphibians, true pangolins, semi-turtles, and early hominids. The Messel Pit, a disused bituminous shale quarry near Darmstadt has been the source of numerous finds, but it is only one of many fossil sites in Germany. Lebach, a small town in Southwest Germany has revealed several partial skulls and other fossil fragments of Archegosaurus dechini. Members of the Archegosaurus genus lived throughout western and central Europe during the Permian geological period, about 250 to 300 million years ago. They were medium to large amphibians resembling crocodiles or gharials. Skull measurements suggest Achegosaurus dechini may have been about 4 meters in length; the tail and snout took up almost half of the total length.