Tensions between Germany, Great Britain, and the United States culminated into the Second Samoa Civil War; 1898 to 1899. The resulting Samoa Tripartite Agreement granted Germany all islands west of 171 degrees longitude. Germany retained control of Samoa for only 14 years, but managed to develop a successful colony.
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Pteropus samoensis - Referred to as fruit bats or flying foxes, there are about 60 living species in the Pteropus genus, all living in the tropical regions of Asia, the Indian subcontinent, Eastern Africa and a few Pacific islands. The Samoan flying fox, known as pe’a vao in Samoan, bears one young each year after a gestation period ranging between 140 to 192 days. The mother carries her infant tucked safely beneath a wing until the developed juvenile can fly; about 3 months. Juveniles are weaned when 4 to 6 months old.