Common European Adder - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Roztoc was a settlement established along the Warnow River by Polabian Slavs in the 11th century. The town was abandoned after being sacked by Valdemar I of Denmark in 1161. Germanic traders quickly resettled the area and a new town, Rostock, emerged to become an important trading center situated on the Baltic coast.

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Vipera berus - The common European adder is found in large numbers throughout Western Europe. It is a venomous snake, but not dangerous. It will only strike as a last resort when confronted with danger, but a bite is seldom fatal. Pregnant females will usually emit a hissing sound to warn intruders to stay away. Females give live birth from July to October with litters ranging from three to twenty individuals. The young are encased in a translucent member; after breaking free, they usually stay in the vicinity of the mother for several days.