German Wasp - Niedersachsen

The East Frisian Islands are situated not more than 10 kilometers from the coast of Niedersachsen. The islands are separated from the mainland by extensive mudflats known as the Watten. The small North Sea archipelago stretches for 90 kilometers. Borkum, with an area of 31 square kilometers, is the largest of the 7 islands.

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Vespula germanica - The German wasp is native to Europe, Northern Africa, and Asia, but has been introduced to parts of Oceania and the Americas; in North America it is known as a yellowjacket. German wasps use their powerful mandibles to rasp fibers from wood. The fibers are mixed with saliva and used to build and maintain nests; underground sites are preferred. A single colony contains about 10,000 individuals. Colonies begin to decline in number and activity during the fall and rarely survive for more than one season.