Common Midwife Toad - Saarland

With the conclusion of World War I, the Saar area was occupied by British and French forces. In 1935, a plebiscite was held offering the citizens three choices; reunification with Germany, a permanent merger with France or remaining under French occupation. By an overwhelming majority, the voters opted for returning to Germany.

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Alytes obstetricans - In the case of the common midwife toad, it is entirely the male’s duty to overseer the task of delivering the young. For protection, the eggs are secured to his limbs or carried on his back until they are ready to hatch; three to eight weeks. The male’s back has parotoid glands, an external skin gland able to release a pungent smell or a bufotoxin to warn off potential predators. These parotoid glands are often mistaken for warts. Midwife toads can also make themselves appear larger by inflating their bodies with air.