With the signing of an agreement between Germany and King Mlapa III in 1884, Germany gained and rapidly extended its control over Togo. An intensive infrastructure was built consisting of over 1,200 kilometers of rail and an efficient port facility at Lomé to deliver the colony’s cocoa, coffee, and cotton to world markets.
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Clamator jacobinus - Jacobin cuckoos are year round residents in Central Africa and Southern India while those in Northern India winter in dry and open woodlands of sub-Saharan Africa. It is mostly arboreal, hopping or fluttering between trees and shrubs searching for hairy caterpillars, its preferred food. The body length is 34 centimeters and it weighs 66 to 72 grams; the permanent flocks of Africa are heavier than those residing in India. Like the common cuckoo, the Jacobin is a brood parasite, laying its eggs in the nests of other birds.