Oribi - Deutsch-Südwestafrika

German-Southwest Africa began as a commercial enterprise in 1882. Adolf Lüderitz, a tobacco merchant from Bremen, gave Chief Josef Frederiks II 200 rifles and 100£ in gold for the rights to a small strip of land fronting the Atlantic coast. Germany, fearing British encroachment, made the colony an imperial entity in 1884.

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Ourebia ourebi - The Oribi breeding season usually occurs during the rainy season, August to September. Depending on geographical location, oribis practice all three forms of partnership selections: polyandry, polygyny, and polygynandry. Polyandry is rare in the animal kingdom and describes a female seeking out more than one male partner. Polygyny describes a single male holding and defending multiple females for his exclusive mating rights. Polygynandry has both male and female mating with different partners.