South African Hake - Transkei

Transkei was the first of the four TBVC Bantustans to have a unified territorial authority, a legislative assembly, a degree of self-rule, and the first to be declared independent. TBVC were the initials representing Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, and Ciskei, the four independent Bantustans of South Africa.

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Merluccius capensis - The South African hake is a ray-finned fish endemic to the waters around South Africa; ray-finned fish have bony spines supporting webs of skin fanning out from the body. The hake performs a daily vertical migration. Spending the day in deep water, it rises to shallow water at night to feed. Juveniles sustain themselves on small crustaceans and lanternfish, adults prefer smaller hacks and jack mackerel; resorting to cannibalism is common. The South African hake breeds throughout the year with peak months being August and September.