White Rhinoceros - Venda

Venda became the third Bantustan to acquire full independence from South Africa. Created as a homeland for the Venda people in 1962, the territory was located in the far northeast corner of South Africa and was separated from Zimbabwe by the Madimbo Corridor and from Mozambique by Kruger National Park.

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Ceratotherium simum simum - The white rhinoceros is divided into a northern and southern subspecies. The northern variety is functionally extinct; only two females are known to exist. The southern variety, the nominate subspecies, is the most common rhinoceros in the world and has an estimated population numbering close to 20,000 animals with about 90 percent contained in South Africa. The southern rhinoceros is larger, has a concave back and skull, shows a prominent shoulder hump, is equipped with a longer front horn, and has a hairier body.