South African Springhare - North West

The Tswana people comprise the majority population in South Africa’s North West Province. Setswana, the language spoken by the Tswana people, is part of the Bantu family and one of South Africa’s eleven official languages. It is also the official language in Botswana and has a large audience in neighboring Namibia and Zimbabwe.

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Pedetes capensis - The South African springhare is not a hare and despite its appearance, it is not related to kangaroos; it is a rodent. Along with the East African springhare, it is one of two living species in the Pedetes genus. The large and powerful hind legs allow them to cover a distance of two meters with a single bound. The small forelimbs have sharp claws used to dig nesting burrows. Females breed year round, but give birth to a only one well- developed young during each 77 day gestation cycle. On average, females give three births each year.