The Blyde River Canyon is located in the northern region of South Africa’s Drakensberg Escarpment. It is about 25 kilometers in length and reaches an average depth of 750 meters. Blyde River is one of the largest canyons on earth and the dense subtropical landscape makes it the world’s largest “green canyon.”
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Homoroselaps lacteus - Known as Gespikkelde Harlekynslang in Afrikaans, the spotted harlequin snake, one of two species in the Homoroselaps genus, is found throughout the southern regions of South Africa. Adults grow to 65 centimeters in length; newborns start life at about 14 centimeters. Females lay 6 to 9 eggs during the summer breeding season. The spotted harlequin snake is venomous, but not deadly to humans. A bite will cause mild pain and swelling. Mostly active during the night, it prefers hunting legless skinks, lizards, and other small snakes.