European Lynx - Slovenia

Lynx lynx - The European lynx is the largest of the four lynx species. It is known for its short stubby tail, long ear tufts, and their heavily padded paws. Coloration changes with the seasons; short brownish coats in summer are replaced by longer greyish coats in winter. The Kocevski forest of Slovenia had once been a common habitat of the lynx, but by the 20th century, the animal was no longer in residence. A program to reintroduce the cat has restored a limited and stable population.

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The Postojna Cave, located near Postojna, Slovenia, was formed by the Pivka River and covers an area of about 24,000 meters. The cave features a rich assortment of stygobites and stygophiles. Stygobites are plants living in ground water systems such as aquifers; stygophiles are animals sharing those living conditions. The Postojna Cave is home to the olm, a blind and pale salamander. This salamander differs from most amphibians; it lives under water for its entire life cycle.